Integration Opportunities for WiFi Devices
In the realm of smart home technology, the integration of WiFi devices plays a crucial role in enhancing convenience and automation. This comparison explores the integration capabilities of two prominent brands, Shelly and eWeLink, highlighting their compatibility with popular voice assistants and their ability to connect with broader automation ecosystems.
Integrative Opportunities
Let's briefly discuss how WiFi devices can be integrated. In this context, Shelly and eWeLink devices offer significantly different opportunities.
Both eWeLink and Shelly devices are compatible with Google Home / Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa, enabling almost all devices to be connected and controlled through the Google Home and Alexa apps, as well as via voice commands.
Additionally, most eWeLink devices also support Apple Siri voice control.
eWeLink devices (Sonoff, SmartWise, KingArt, WDYK) support the IFTTT platform, allowing comprehensive integration across various smart control scenarios. For example, using IFTTT, it's possible to control eWeLink devices based on your phone's GPS location, ensuring that home lights are turned off when you leave. Unfortunately, IFTTT integration requires a nominal annual fee under the eWeLink VIP subscription.
A subset of eWeLink devices also supports integration via REST API, allowing them to be controlled using standard HTTP commands and connected to other REST API-supporting devices, including web systems or home/building automation systems.
However, the integration possibilities with eWeLink's factory firmware are generally limited beyond the listed native integrations (Google Home/Nest/Assistant, Alexa, IFTTT, and REST API in some devices), as these devices primarily operate with the eWeLink cloud.
Nevertheless, due to the professional hardware of Sonoff and other eWeLink devices, many users replace the factory firmware with freely available, open-source Tasmota firmware to unlock extensive local integration possibilities. After switching to Tasmota firmware, devices become compatible with almost all popular open-source control platforms, albeit at the cost of losing compatibility with the original eWeLink cloud and app.
In contrast, Shelly devices are inherently compatible with a range of platforms and easily integrate with local hubs and home automation servers. While Shelly firmware can also be replaced with open-source alternatives, it is rarely necessary because the factory software supports not only Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa but also integrates seamlessly via standard REST API and MQTT with virtually any system. The Shelly lineup includes compatibility with HomeSeer, ioBroker, Home Assistant, openHAB, Domoticz, SYMCAN, nymea, Hubitat systems, and works with Samsung SmartThings through the Shelly cloud. Additionally, Shelly Cloud's HTTP API can be linked via IFTTT webhooks.